
Showing posts from February, 2022

4 Signs Your Engine Control Module Needs Replacing

Did you know that your vehicle’s engine control module (ECM) is responsible for fuel efficiency ? In other words, a faulty ECM will cause you to overpay for gas without realizing it! This isn’t ideal considering average gas prices are rising year on year.  But how can you tell your ECM needs to be replaced? Here are four signs it’s time to replace your ECM. 1 . A Stuttering or Misfiring Engine ECMs regulate the mixture of fuel and air used in a vehicle’s engine during combustion . If there isn’t enough fuel in this mixture, then your engine will stutter when you start it. On the other hand, if there’s too much fuel in the mixture, your engine will misfire. In either case, you must get your ECM checked by professional ECM repair services. 2. Missed Gears during Shifting ECMs transmit data to the transmission control module (TCM)  in your vehicle to optimize the process of shifting gears. ECMs and TCMs are interconnected—so if you’re struggling to put your vehicle into gear, then it’s li

Benefits of Remapping an ECM

Have you ever wondered what makes the numerous parts in your vehicle work together so seamlessly? Engine control modules (ECMs)! ECMs use software  to coordinate various systems in your vehicle such as transmission. They are vital to prevent vehicular accidents  and can be reprogrammed to offer a variety of benefits depending on the purpose of the vehicle. If you’re curious to know how you can benefit from remapping your vehicle’s ECM, then read on! Improved Fuel Efficiency Fuel costs are on the rise this year  and show no signs of stopping. Fortunately, you can prevent gas prices from burning a hole in your pocket by remapping your vehicle’s ECM. ECMs control the amount of fuel and air used during combustion in your vehicle’s engine. This is known as your engine’s mixture—if it contains more fuel, then your engine will deliver more power. Therefore, you can improve your engine’s fuel efficiency by remapping the ECM to use less fuel in the mixture.  This will lower your vehicle’s perfo

3 Functions of Engine Control Modules

Imagine having brain damage and being in the best shape of your life at the same time. That’s what it’s like to have a vehicle without an engine control module (ECM)! ECMs coordinate the various systems within vehicles  to optimize engine performance. No matter how powerful or well-built a vehicle is, without an ECM, it would be worse than a horse carriage! So, if you’re curious to know how ECMs work, here’s a summary of three of their functions. 1. Fuel Injection Modern engines  work by using a mixture of fuel and air and combusting it to propel the vehicle forward. This is known as fuel injection. If there’s too much fuel in the mixture, the engine will run inefficiently, and if there’s too much air, the engine won’t be powerful. ECMs are capable of storing engine combustion data and using it to calculate the best fuel-to-air ratio  for the vehicle. This allows them to optimize the vehicle’s performance and fuel efficiency. 2. Steering Have you ever wondered why it’s so difficult to